My life with a Meat Man and Meat Kids

I love to make my own, well, ANYTHING! It's easy, may not always be cheaper but is defiantly always better for you. In this scary world of GMO's and toxic processed food, I am really trying hard to make homemade. We even have chickens that lay eggs for the fam lol. I am a mom of two girls ages 4 and 2 and they are very active. I also work too, so these meals are packed with nutrition and fast and inexpensive to do. Hope this blog helps some mama's (and papas) out there trying to feed our selves with healthy food on a budget and fast! Oh and why Veggie Woman Vs. Meat Man? Because I am a mom, and I am always trying to get my husband (who is more difficult than my kids) to eat more Veggies by making them more tastey or sneaking them into the foods I make te he. Enjoy!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Red Beet Salad

I love the earthy taste of beets and the fact they are good for you is a bonus! My hubby has even started to like them, well he wont eat the red but the yellow ones he will. (hey it's a start). Oh and don't let your eyes fool you the smaller beets taste better and have more concentrated sugar and have been in the ground for less time, making them sweeter and less bitter, fresher and less of a harsh taste

1 bunch of red beets or packaged beets (you could also use yellow beets)
1 handful of fresh mint or basil
1 cup of shredded carrots
1 glug of olive oil
1 glug of balamic vinigar
salt and pepper to taste
Feta cheese if desired

Mix all ingredients together. The longer the flavors meld the better but can be eaten right away.

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