My life with a Meat Man and Meat Kids

I love to make my own, well, ANYTHING! It's easy, may not always be cheaper but is defiantly always better for you. In this scary world of GMO's and toxic processed food, I am really trying hard to make homemade. We even have chickens that lay eggs for the fam lol. I am a mom of two girls ages 4 and 2 and they are very active. I also work too, so these meals are packed with nutrition and fast and inexpensive to do. Hope this blog helps some mama's (and papas) out there trying to feed our selves with healthy food on a budget and fast! Oh and why Veggie Woman Vs. Meat Man? Because I am a mom, and I am always trying to get my husband (who is more difficult than my kids) to eat more Veggies by making them more tastey or sneaking them into the foods I make te he. Enjoy!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Greek Pizza with Pita Bread

I love pita bread and grew up eating it at my mother's house dipping it into hummus. It's even better in a homemade pizza because its a bit flatter and gets crispier and is cheaper than that pizza bolis stuff, it's a tripple threat bread and I love it. Oh and also the fact you can open it up and stuff things into it is awsome too! This is really fun to do with kids and what i did was chop up some toppings and slapped them onto a paper plate (or little bowls work too), and let the kids dress their pizza with whatever they wanted.

Package of pita bread
toppings of your choice but I will list some here, all are optional
Pesto for the base on the bottom or pasta sauce
Slightly sauted mushrooms (I used portabella)
Romain lettuce (I know lettuce on pizza weird but it works)
Sauted garlic
Kalamata olives sliced or black olives
Spinach instead of Romain
Red onion
Chopped basil
Parmesean cheese
mozzerella cheese ( I splurged and got the expensive kind you see in liquid)
black beans (not greek but my kids love them)

Lay out all your toppings on the table and let the family go to town laying on the base you choose first (my mom mixed the red pasta sauce with the pesto and it was very tasty). Don't put too many toppings on or your pizza will topple. Put your toppings on first or the way my husband does it is put the cheese on first then the toppings ( I like it the other way around) whatever you thing is good works, then slap it in the oven for about 15 min. The bread is already cooked so you just want the cheese to melt and let it stay in the oven for however long you want, I like my kinda crispy so I leave it in till it crisps up a bit.

For the Meat Man (or woman) in your life you can set aside some of these toppings
Chorzio Sausage
Ground hamburger

Tip: the rest of the unused toppings for sandwiches the next day into the pita!

I served this with a yellow beet and feta salad. (recipe forthcoming)

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