My life with a Meat Man and Meat Kids

I love to make my own, well, ANYTHING! It's easy, may not always be cheaper but is defiantly always better for you. In this scary world of GMO's and toxic processed food, I am really trying hard to make homemade. We even have chickens that lay eggs for the fam lol. I am a mom of two girls ages 4 and 2 and they are very active. I also work too, so these meals are packed with nutrition and fast and inexpensive to do. Hope this blog helps some mama's (and papas) out there trying to feed our selves with healthy food on a budget and fast! Oh and why Veggie Woman Vs. Meat Man? Because I am a mom, and I am always trying to get my husband (who is more difficult than my kids) to eat more Veggies by making them more tastey or sneaking them into the foods I make te he. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Vegan Green Coleslaw

So green and sooo good!

1 package of already chopped slaw I use broccoli slaw which makes this recipe really green if you know what I mean lol (you can chop if you would like but this is much faster)
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 ripe avocado chopped in to little 1/2 inch pieces
1 cup of  veganaise (vegan mayonnaise) you can use regular I just think this tastes much better
1-2 tablespoons of Salad Booster (you can find at local heath food store or on amazon) this is what turns the salad green and gives it a really good flavor. It's super good for you too.
1/2 cup of sunflower seeds (you can used sliced almonds or other nut of your choice)
2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar
Salt and Pepper to taste

Get a big bowl because you need to stir everything in there. Dump the salad stuff in the bowl, then the vegan mayo, then the olive oil then stir to coat the salad. Then put the rest of the ingredients in. Put the avocado in last because you don't want it smashed in there, stir it lightly when you dump the avocado in. Then serve. If you let it sit for about an hour it becomes very flavorful.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Yellow Beets with Fresh Herbs


Yellow Beets with Fresh Herbs

4 to 5 yellow beets peeled and steamed
11/4 fresh oregano finely chopped
1/4 cup of fresh lemon thyme or lemon basil or lemon balm finely chopped
1 tablespoon of orange zest
1/4 cup of balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon of olive oil

Steam the beets. After they are done mix in all other ingredients and stir. Salt and pepper to taste. Easy, tastes good and good for you.  You can also sprinkle on some orange zest for a sweeter flavor.

Coconut Millet Cereal

Coconut Millet Cereal

1 cup whole millet
1 cup water
1 cup coconut water
2 tsp of coconut oil (or you can use olive oil, or grapeseed)
Cinnamon (optional)
Coconut Milk (optional)

In a skillet heat 1tsp of the coconut oil (or oil of your choice) and toast the millet stirring often, when the millet is tan in color pour the coconut water and water in and bring to a boil. Boil for 1 min, then turn down to a low simmer. Simmer for 25 min. I checked mine several times and stirred, the more you stir the more creamy it because but if you want it fluffy then leave it be, but check and make sure it's not burning. That's it, simple and good for you and very yummy. Your house will smell awesome after cooking this. To serve you can sprinkle in some Cinnamon and a couple tablespoons of coconut milk.

This was so easy and it was fun for the girls to stir in the extras, we just used Cinnamon and coconut.

If you don't have coconut water just use plain water and put some shredded coconut in after the boiling point. Even if you don't have either of these ingredients you can still make it just flavor with the below suggestions.

Stir in some strawberry jam.
Stir in some dates and mandarin oranges with juice.
Dried cranberries are also really good!
My daughter stirred in some chocolate almond milk and thought it was good.